
Biowales March 1 and 2 Showcases Country’s Biosciences Sector

BioWales 2011 returns to the Vale Hotel near Cardiff on March 1st and 2nd with a conference, exhibition and biopartnering event reflecting the significance of the life sciences sector in Wales. Bringing together industry professionals, academics and clinicians, BioWales sets a platform to promote breakthroughs in new technologies, gain insights into the latest trends and developments and make valuable connections.


The two day event is looking to emulate last year’s success which drew its largest audience of close to 400 delegates with an impressive line-up of international profile speakers, and brought together over 130 organisations for 488 structured profile meetings in the speed dating style biopartnering event.
Amongst the speakers this year are Lesley Griffiths AM, Welsh Assembly Government Deputy Minister for Science, Innovation and Skills; Prof. John Harries, Wales’ Chief Scientific Adviser; Paul Davis, Chief Scientific Officer at Mologic, inventor of the clear blue pregnancy test; and Tony Davis, Chairman of Medilink UK.
Meurig Watts, Acting Head of Life Sciences for the Welsh Assembly Government said: “This is the ninth year of our great showcase for the life science sector in Wales, and features the usual array of world-renowned speakers, a brokerage that brings ideas, expertise and finance together to create bioscience collaborations in Wales, seminars on dedicated topics, a tradeshow exhibition and dinner. It’s grown into one of the UK’s largest bioscience events outside London, and we’re excited about prospects for this year’s event which begins on our Patron Saint David’s Day.”
The conference this March will cover five key themes:
Diagnosing Success – covering new developments in diagnostic testing, and
the factors affecting the translation of diagnostic technology into commercial products, a leading sub-sector in Wales, with companies such as Siemans, 3M and British Biocell International. Speakers include Huw Summers, Professor of Nanotechnology for Health, Swansea University on the future of Nano diagnostic technologies.
Digital Health - covering imaging and data-enabled technologies for sensing and supporting self management and health improvement, and developments in all-encompassing health information systems. The launch of the e-health Industries Innovation Centre in Swansea has made Wales a pioneer in e-health support, and speakers include David Ford, the Head of the Centre.
Clinical Engagement – this showcases successful partnerships between clinicians and industry. Academic, business and clinical expertise in research and development will highlight support for procuring innovations into and out of the NHS. Speakers include Mirella Marlow from NICE, Programme Director, Devices & Diagnostic Systems Centre for Health Technology Evaluation.
Future Watch – throwing a spotlight on new technologies and commercial ventures in Welsh life sciences.
Securing Investment – this is an annual favourite that outlines venture capital and financial support in life sciences.
Prof. John Harries is Wales’ first Chief Scientific Adviser. He said: “Life sciences represent one of the priority sectors of the Welsh economy. The success of the sector in Wales relies on effective connections and collaborations between the private and public sectors and BioWales promotes and provides the platform for this vital networking year after year. I was therefore delighted to accept the invitation to be a keynote speaker at BioWales 2011”. 
Workshops this year cover the topics of NHS Procurement, Finance, Clinical Access, Technology Strategy Board funding and Knowledge Transfer Network programmes.
The life sciences in Wales are represented by 330 companies, employing over 15,000 people and contributing more than £1.3bn to the Welsh economy. The sector has grown in Wales by over 19% in the last three years and there are world-class facilities and people operating in this country. Wales is home to the largest cluster of in vitro diagnostic companies in the UK while Cardiff University’s Wound Healing  Research Unit (WHRU) has the distinction of being the second largest specialist wound healing centre in the world.
In the field of Medical Technology, Biomet’s largest European subsidiary is in Bridgend and Arjo Huntleigh, the largest manufacturer of foetal monitors in the UK, is based in Cardiff.

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