
Breaking News for the ELRIG Drug Discovery 2011 meeting in Manchester UK, September 7-8

ELRIG are pleased to announce that Dr Jamie Thomson, Wisconsin University, one of the world’s leading experts in stem cell biology, has been confirmed as one of the Keynote Speakers for this conference.

Dr Jamie Thomson, University of Wisconsin, Madison has recently confirmed his attendance at the ELRIG Drug Discovery 2011 meeting in Manchester later this year. He will be giving a keynote presentation entitled:  “Current State of Induced Pluripotent Stem cells as compared to Embryonic Stem cells and their role in creating terminal tissue models”

Dr Thomson is a world leader in Stem cell Biology. His laboratory is dedicated to developing methods to allow the in vitro differentiation of human Embryonic Stem cells (hESCs)  to key lineages of clinical importance, including haematopoietic, neural, cardiac, and placental tissues. More recently, he published a pioneering paper describing the derivation of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from somatic tissue. This is a rare and valuable opportunity for UK and European scientists to hear Dr Thomson describe the potential impact of his studies on the field of biomedical research.
At ELRIG, Dr. Thomson will also be joined by a number of other eminent Scientists giving keynote presentations. In the closing debate, The future of Drug Discovery: Small Molecules and Biopharmaceuticals’, Chris Lipinski (Melior Discovery) will be giving a keynote presentation, advocating the future for small molecules. Speaking against him will be Kevin Johnson of Index Ventures who will be the advocate for biopharmaceuticals.
Dr Lipinski is best known for his work on developing the Rule of Five guidelines of molecular properties. As Research Director of Cambridge Antibody Technology, Dr Johnson led the development of the then largest portfolio of antibody drugs in the industry including Humira, the first such drug to reach market.
The Plenary Keynote Presentations are supported by eight scientific sessions, featuring leading scientists in the field across the two days of the conference.
Registration for the ELRIG conference is free: visit for more information

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