Find out what the experts are saying about the new book, The Future of Drug Discovery: Who decides which diseases to treat? by Tamas Bartfai and Graham V. Lees. To download a complimentary sample chapter, please click here
“A remarkable compendium of hard data and wise prescriptions for the pharmaceutical industry.”
—Michael S Brown, 1985 Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
“[This] is a remarkable and timely book … remarkable, as it is an insightful and careful analysis of the many factors determining success in this challenging area of human endeavor … [and] timely, as the crisis in drug discovery has already begun … The authors really prove their credentials with a thorough and expert review of the factors influencing the future of drug discovery delivering a detailed analysis of the biological and technical challenges … The authors strategize on alternative business models and propose viable choices … there is light at the end of the tunnel.”
—Graeme Bilbe, Drugs for Neglected Disease initiative, former Senior VP Novartis, from his Foreword
“The future of drug discovery is compromised by interests driven by concerns other than science or health … This is not an indictment of the pharmaceutical industry, but rather an exposition of various ills that exist in the present iteration of Pharma that need to be remedied so that the future promise of Pharma can be realized. The book is both enlightening and disturbing. It should serve as a call to action to use these facts and suggestions to help Pharma do what we need it to do—to create drugs that are effective in treating human illnesses.”
—James H Eberwine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, from his Foreword
“This book [offers] thoughtful and at times provocative proposals. [The authors] give a strong wake-up call in favor of continuing efforts and desperately needed investments into research and development to create new innovative medicines. Anyone who is looking for a thorough appraisal of current drug development issues combined with optimistic insight into the challenges, opportunities and specific needs of developing new medicines will benefit from reading this book. For individuals who are currently in or are planning to become involved with pharmaceutical or biotech industries, regulatory bodies or NGOs, academia or any form of biotech-focused financial investment - or just for getting a better understanding of the future of drug development - this book will be an excellent ‘starter dose’.”
—Eduard E Holdener, NovImmune, former Head of Clinical Development, Roche-Genentech, from his Foreword
“This book is a must read for students, prescribing physicians, academic and industry researchers, analysts, patient groups, business and science journalists, and importantly, Policy Makers. More than ever before, drug development is a complex scientific, industrial, and societal endeavor that needs the combined attention of Governments, Academics, and Big Pharma; it cannot be left to Wall Street alone.”
—Daniel Hoyer, Dept Pharmacology, U Melbourne, former Distinguished Scientist, Novartis