Submit a Paper
Instructions for Authors
Submit a proposal
In general, contributions to Drug Discovery Today are commissioned by the Editors.
If you would like to submit an article to Drug Discovery Today, please first send us a proposal of your article. Completed articles are not acceptable as proposals. After assessment of the proposal, we will let you know whether we can consider the full article for publication, based on its suitability for inclusion in the journal and scheduling commitments.
The proposal should be a brief description of the main theme of the article (approx. 100 - 200 words), listing the article type (see below) and possibly some key references. You should also let us know approximately when you would be able to submit the full paper. We will get back to you as soon as possible (normally within 1 week) to let you know if we will be able to consider the full paper.
Instructions for invited authors
Authors who have been invited to write for Drug Discovery Today, will find the Instructions for Authors below or alternatively in Adobe Pdf format.
The Editor
Drug Discovery Today
Please note that the Editor reserves the right to reject any submitted papers that do not adhere to these instructions.
All authors must sign the ‘Transfer of Copyright’ agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables Elsevier Ltd to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the author’s proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. A copy of the ‘Transfer of Copyright’ agreement will be sent to you on acceptance of your article. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists using the form on page 8 of this document.
The Editor(s) and Publisher of this Journal believe that there are fundamental principles underlying scholarly or professional publishing. While this may not amount to a formal 'code of conduct', these fundamental principles with respect to the authors' paper are that the paper should: i) be the authors' own original work, which has not been previously published elsewhere, ii) reflect the authors' own research and analysis and do so in a truthful and complete manner, iii) properly credit the meaningful contributions of co-authors and co-researchers, iv) not be submitted to more than one journal for consideration, and v) be appropriately placed in the context of prior and existing research. Of equal importance are ethical guidelines dealing with research methods and research funding, including issues dealing with informed consent, research subject privacy rights, conflicts of interest, and sources of funding. While it may not be possible to draft a 'code' that applies adequately to all instances and circumstances, we believe it useful to outline our expectations of authors and procedures that the Journal will employ in the event of questions concerning author conduct.
Conflicts of interest
The Publisher now requires authors to declare any conflicts of interest that relate to papers accepted for publication in this Journal. A conflict of interest may exist when an author or the author's institution has a financial or other relationship with other people or organizations that may inappropriately influence the author’s work. A conflict can be actual or potential and full disclosure to the Journal is the safest course. All submissions to the Journal must include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. The Journal may use such information as a basis for editorial decisions and may publish such disclosures if they are believed to be important to readers in judging the manuscript. A decision may be made by the Journal not to publish on the basis of the declared conflict.