
Toward in silico structure-based ADMET prediction in drug discovery

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Quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) methods and related approaches have been used to investigate the molecular features that influence the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) of drugs. As the three-dimensional structures of several major ADMET proteins become available, structure-based (docking-scoring) computations can be carried out to complement or to go beyond QSAR studies. Applying docking-scoring methods to ADMET proteins is a challenging process because they usually have a large and flexible binding cavity; however, promising results relating to metabolizing enzymes have been reported.

After reviewing current trends in the field Gautier Moroy et al. applied structure-based methods in the context of receptor flexibility in a case study involving the phase II metabolizing sulfotransferases. Overall, the explored concepts and results suggested that structure-based ADMET profiling will probably join the mainstream during the coming years.

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