
DILIrank: the largest reference drug list ranked by the risk for developing drug-induced liver injury in humans

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This paper provides the largest, revised drug reference list annotated and ranked by the risk for developing hepatotoxicity in humans (DILIrank). We created the new DILIrank list by complementing the previously used druglabeling information together with existing evidence of clinical causality assessments.

High throughput methods are powerful tools to develop predictive models for assessing drug-induced liver injury (DILI). The development of predictive models, however, requires a drug reference list with an accurate annotation of DILI risk in humans. We previously developed a DILI annotation schema based on the information curated from the FDA-approved drug labeling for 287 drugs. In this paper, we refined the schema by weighing the evidence of causality (i.e., a verification process to evaluate a drug as the cause of DILI) and generated a dataset that rank the DILI risk (DILIrank) in humans for 1036 FDA-approved drugs, providing the largest annotated dataset in public domain. 

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