
Fungal Immunomodulatory Proteins: Characteristic, Potential Anti-Tumor Activities and Their Molecular Mechanisms

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We comment on the source and diversity of FIPs. • We provide a comparative analysis of structural and physicochemical properties of these proteins. • Antitumor effects of FIPs are discussed. • Molecular mechanisms involved in the antitumor activity of FIPs were analyzed. • FIPs offer enormous growth potential as future immunotherapeutics.

During recent decades, >30 fungal immunomodulatory proteins (FIPs) have been found in a range of mushrooms and other fungi. Various pharmacological functions of FIPs have become important in the discovery and development of new drugs. In this review, we discuss some important factors, focusing on the use of amino acid sequence data to predict structural and physicochemical properties. We also discuss pharmacologic activities and possible mechanisms of the proteins with a focus on antitumor activities. Numerous other questions must also be addressed before FIPs can be widely accepted and used as antitumor agents.

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