
Drug Discovery Oxford 2012

The Drug Discovery Oxford 2012 – “Drug discovery: a job too complex for academia or industry alone?” conference is only a month away.

The conference at the Medical Sciences Training Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, on 5th–6th January 2012, aims to bring together those concerned about drug discovery (academia, industry, biotech, funders, charities, patient groups) to honestly and openly debate the bottlenecks hindering innovation and real tangible results, as perceived by these communities.

Why attend?
The conference will consist of six different discussion panels, each composed by three Panellists and two Chairs. The short talks by the Panellists will be followed by critical and direct questioning by the Chairs, who will also encourage participation from the audience. The programme includes Chairs and Panellists from prestigious institutions, including GSK, University of Oxford, Novartis, Takeda, Merck, MedImmune, Institute of Cancer Research, Pfizer, University of Dundee, Cancer Research UK, AstraZeneca, Royal Society of Chemistry, Bayer Healthcare, among others.
They will be focusing on how can the academia, biotechs, charities/foundations and the industry complement each other and drive drug discovery forward through constructive restructuring of the relationships between the participants.
 The registration is now open - please enter your professional and payment details at the Conference Registration page.

Industry Registration

Academic and Charities Registration

Lunch and coffee are included in the registration fee. Should you have any special dietary requirements, please contact the Conference Secretariat at  

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