
Almost a quarter of Brits are afraid of the doctor’s waiting room

-34% fear the dentist, 17% fear the optician--65% fear discovering a previously unknown health problem--22% have had a previous bad experience--79% hesitate to seek medical advice as a result-

ALMOST a quarter of Brits fear the doctor's waiting room, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 British adults published in the Waiting Room Woes report by Fletchers Solicitors has revealed that 24% are anxious about visiting their GP surgery.


1 in 3 (34%) British adults confessed to a fear of the dentist chair, while 1 in 5 (17%) of those surveyed admitted that visiting the opticians made them nervous.


79% of those who admit to these fears hesitate to seek medical advice from doctors, dentists, and opticians regularly as a result.


A fear of the unknown or finding a previously unknown health problem (69%) was the number one reason for these kinds of fears.


A phobia of medical equipment, such as needles, the dentist’s drill and eye examination equipment, was the source of worry for 52%.


A bad experience during childhood (45%) was the third most popular reason for disliking the doctors, while a more recent bad experience was the source of anxiety for more than a fifth (22%).


Having a potentially painful experience during an appointment was a worry for 1 in 6 (14%).


Ed Fletcher, CEO of Fletchers Solicitors, said: “It’s interesting to see just how many Britons fear seeking face-to-face medical advice – many really do have a fear of the doctor’s waiting room or dentist’s chair, which for many continue throughout adulthood. It is important that everyone is at ease when they have a medical problem or question so that they speak to a medical professional when they need to. Putting off appointments is something many are guilty of but this can be dangerous.”


76% of those who feared a medical waiting room said their fear had originated during childhood and continued in adulthood.


Those aged 55-64 were most likely to have a fear of the waiting room, followed by those aged 65+.


Further statistics and information from the ‘Waiting Room Woes’ report can be found here:



Top Reasons for Apprehension of Medical Appointments

1.     Finding a previously unknown health problem - 69%

2.     Phobia of medical equipment - 52%

3.     Bad childhood memory - 45%

4.     Previous bad experience - 22%

5.     Potential pain – 14%

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