
This week in Drug Discovery Today

As a service from Drug Discovery Today, we are beginning to highlight those papers that have been published as "Articles in Press" either as corrected or uncorrected proofs in the preceding week. We hope that they are of interest to you. The articles are citable via their doi.

A new approach to the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis: the era of the liposome

Nasim Kiaie, Armita Mahdavi Gorabi,, Peter E.Penson, Gerald Watts, Thomas P. Johnston, Maciej Banach  and Amirhossein Sahebkar
Fitsum Feleke Sahle  and Tao L. Lowe
Mohammad A. Khan, Vineet K.Jain, Md.Rizwanullah, Javed Ahmad and Keerti Jain
Rita Ribeiro-Oliveira, Martin Vojtek, Salomé Gonçalves-Monteiro, Maria Sofia Vieira-Rocha, Joana B.Sousa, Jorge Gonçalves and Carmen Diniz
Anna H.C.Vlot, Natalia Aniceto, Michael P. Menden, Gudrun Ulrich-Merzenich and Andreas Bender 
Aleix Gimeno, Raúl Beltrán-Debón, Miquel Mulero, Gerard Pujadas and Santiago Garcia-Vallvé

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