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Cambridge, UK to host BioFine Europe 2010

BioFine Europe 2010 will take place from 30–31 March and features The Peptide Conference 2010, the Synthetic Biology in Pharma conference and the BioFine Europe Exhibition.

BioFine Europe 2010 will take place at The Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Cambridge, UK.

The Peptide Conference 2010

The Peptide Conference 2010 features researchers and experts from peptide therapeutics development presenting the latest scientific and technological knowledge in these areas of life sciences. The applications of peptide chemistry – from synthesis, through purification and analytics, to bioactivity testing in biotechnology, biomedical and other applications – from analytical to industrial scales will be presented.

Senior R&D scientists, managers and decision makers from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies looking to develop new peptide analytics, therapeutics and diagnostics could all benefit from attending the conference.

The Synthetic Biology in Pharma conference

The Synthetic Biology in Pharma conference focuses on recent advances in the application of synthetic biology technologies in the fields of biopharmaceuticals and small-molecule therapeutics. Enabling technologies that are accelerating the development of new applications will be presented, in addition to new bioproduction technologies for new pharmaceuticals (thus covering the complete range of development from initial research to final production strategies).

Senior R&D scientists, managers and decision makers from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies looking to apply synthetic biology in pharmaceutical discovery and development could all benefit from attending the conference.

This conference was organized jointly by avakado media and ATG: biosynthetics GmbH.


Delegate registration covers attendance at either conference, plus exhibition entrance and the Networking Reception. Academics, including postdoctoral researchers and faculty working in universities, technology colleges or other educational institutions, can benefit from an academic rate.

For further information on attending the conferences as a delegate, contact Tom Mulligan (

BioFine Europe exhibition

The BioFine Europe Exhibition takes place alongside the conferences at The Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Cambridge, UK, from Tuesday 30 March to Wednesday 31 March, 2010. Suppliers of technologies, services and products will present their offerings supporting drug discovery and development programmes.

The exhibition opening hours are from 09.00 to 17.00 on both days of the event. Confirmed exhibitors include Almac Sciences, Biotage AB, Eurogentec, Pepceuticals and TCI Europe.

BioFine Europe 2010 is sponsored by CBL Patras, Activotec and Peptisyntha. For exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, contact Jaymin Amin (

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