
Biotransformation pathway maps in WikiPathways enable direct visualization of drug metabolism related expression changes.

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Recent advances in pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics and toxicogenomics have 20 increased our knowledge on the genetics and functional genomics of drug metabolizing 21 enzymes. In addition, a wealth of data on drug-related transcriptomics, proteomics and 22 metabolomics has become available. Despite the availability of large amounts of 23 biological information on xenobiotic biotransformation from literature and online 24 resources, the number of available biotransformation pathway maps that can easily be 25 used for visualization of multiple “omics” data, is limited.

In recent decades, our knowledge of the genetics and functional genomics of drug-metabolizing enzymes has increased and a wealth of data on drug-related ‘omics’ has become available. Despite the availability of large amounts of biological information on xenobiotic biotransformation, the number of available biotransformation pathway maps that can easily be used for visualization of multiple omics data is limited. Here, we created integrated biotransformation pathway maps suitable for multiple omics analysis using PathVisio. The ease of visualizing data on these maps was demonstrated by using published microarray data from human hepatocyte-like cell models, exemplifying – where a sufficient capacity for metabolizing chemicals is a prerequisite for a suited model – how the biotransformation pathway maps can be used for model selection.

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