Lab Innovations 2017 – the UK’s only dedicated showcase for laboratory technology, analytical and biotech equipment – is pleased to welcome Scientific Laboratory Supplies (SLS), Eppendorf and GS Biotech to the NEC, Birmingham, on the 1st and 2nd of November.
15 August, 2017
What if chocolate cravings, experienced by 50% of women before their period were the result of culture, rather than a natural physical response?Scientists at the the State University of New York seem to think so, reports nutritionist Georgios Tzenichristos, of the London-based LipoTherapeia clinic (; not associated with the study itself).
08 August, 2017
Surgeons Prefer Listening to Rock While in Surgery, According to Spotify and Figure 1, the Knowledge-Sharing App for Doctors---90% of Surgeons Listen to Music in the OR
07 August, 2017