New role will drive development of AI-based drug discovery software solutions and lead development team expansion
23 February, 2021
Thursday 11th February CPI announced the signing of an agreement with PwC, making it a partner in the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre collaboration. The partnership will utilise PwC’s global reach, expertise and experience within the life sciences sector to benefit patients, drive economic growth and help cement the UK as a world leader of advanced medicines manufacturing innovations.
16 February, 2021
February 4th is World Cancer Day. As Covid continues to re-shape our lives it is important to keep awareness about men’s health high. Recent news about Greg Rutherford’s detection of a cyst is a reminder that it is important for men to get regular check-ups. Testicular cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in males and it affects around 2,300 men in the UK each year. Need2Know Books are currently offering customers a free download of The Essential Guide to Testicular Cancer. If you have concerns and questions the book provides clear and helpful advice with useful instruction and guidance on what to look for and how to do a self-examination.
03 February, 2021
Leading research materials supplier, Goodfellow, has announced it is a member of the UK-China Joint Working Group on the Graphene standardisation
02 February, 2021