Domainex Ltd. have announced that it has successfully completed a series of laboratory studies examining the in vivo effects of its proprietary selective inhibitors of IKK-epsilon and TBK1 in inflammation models.
16 April, 2014
Music plays a key role in society in many diverse ways which can affect mood, behaviour and enjoyment of life. Music also has an important role in the transitions of life, for example through the teenage years, at events such as marriage, and at times of loss. Music can engender emotion, and also lead to recall of emotions and memories. In everyday life, music is played to calm, to motivate and to encourage certain behaviours for example to hurry, linger or dance. The sharing of music-making in a choir or band can enhance social cohesion and friendship.
09 April, 2014
Imanova Limited, the Centre for Imaging Sciences in London, today hosted a visit from the Mayor of London Boris Johnson to mark the launch of the major new MedCity initiative. Imanova announced its strong support for the scheme, which aims to ensure London maintains and continues to build its position as one of the world’s leading life science hubs.
08 April, 2014
The latest issue of Drug Discovery Today is packed full of industry focused research articles, new developments in drug discovery, and expert comment and opinion.
06 April, 2014