Novel Technologies News for January 2017

Novel Technologies News Archive

Global Kinetics Corporation Joins Quest to Predict Parkinson’s Global Kinetics Corporation Joins Quest to Predict Parkinson’s

Australian medical technology company, Global Kinetics Corporation, is proud to be working with neurologist and Parkinson’s UK-funded researcher, Dr Alastair Noyce from the Institute of Neurology, University College London, to help spot early warning signs of Parkinson’s.

AstraZeneca shares world-leading world’s most advanced drug discovery robot through Open Innovation AstraZeneca shares world-leading world’s most advanced drug discovery robot through Open Innovation

NiCoLA-B, the world’s most advanced drug discovery robot, is teaming up with scientists from Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and the Medical Research Council (MRC), through AstraZeneca’s Open Innovation research collaboration programme. The new robot, which can test up to 300,000 compounds a day, is designed to make drug discovery smarter, faster and cheaper. It can work three times more quickly than previous drug discovery robots and can sense and adapt to the presence of its human workmates. This means it can share their workspace without protective guarding.