Novel Technologies News for March 2020

Novel Technologies News Archive

VIB moves forward in the development of a COVID-19 prophylactic

Earlier this year, the lab of Xavier Saelens (VIB-UGent) announced the discovery of a unique single-domain antibody (VHH) that is capable of binding the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein of the COVID-19 virus. This antibody was developed in collaboration with two research groups in the US. The team has now established that Fc fusions of the VHH can neutralize pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2, an important step forward in the development of a potential prophylactic drug against the coronavirus. This progress was made possible thanks to the intensive efforts of various teams in the VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology.

Breast screening breakthrough to end unnecessary biopsies Breast screening breakthrough to end unnecessary biopsies

Harnessing photonics, European scientists have created a new mammographic imaging system that determines benign or malignant breast lesions - spelling an end for unnecessary biopsies and anguish for millions of women.