Novel Technologies News for January 2019

Novel Technologies News Archive

Evolution of signaling molecules opens door to new sepsis therapy approaches

Small infections can be fatal: Millions of people die each year from sepsis, an overreaction of the immune system. A new immune signaling molecule, designed by a research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), now provides the basis for potential new approaches in sepsis therapy. The numbers are alarming: According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), around six million people die every year from sepsis. The disease, popularly called "blood poisoning", normally starts with a harmless infection.

University of Dundee and Boehringer Ingelheim collaborate for free access of PROTAC compound on University of Dundee and Boehringer Ingelheim collaborate for free access of PROTAC compound on

Boehringer Ingelheim is to make the BET degrader compound MZ 1 available through its portal. The company actively supports open access in order to boost progress in biomedical and drug discovery research. MZ 1 (created at the University of Dundee) is the first external compound to be added to Boehringer Ingelheim’s’ portal.

Clinical Trial Launches to Develop Breath Test for Multiple Cancers Clinical Trial Launches to Develop Breath Test for Multiple Cancers

Researchers have launched a clinical trial to develop a breath test, analysing molecules that could indicate the presence of cancer at an early stage. This is the first test of its kind to investigate multiple cancer types.