Just under a quarter (22%) of life science companies already using or experimenting with blockchain, but industry collaboration over security and storage standards is needed
29 June, 2017
Diamond’s Multimode Infrared Imaging and Microspectroscopy (MIRIAM) beamline is launching a new upgrade that will offer researchers unique insights into cell metabolism and the effects of drugs and other compounds on living cells.
27 June, 2017
The topic of this month’s newsletter from Drug Discovery Today is “Formulation”.
27 June, 2017
Ocrelizumab increased the number of patients with relapsing MS (RMS) and primary progressive MS (PPMS) who maintained No Evidence of Progression or Active Disease (NEPAD) versus Rebif® (interferon beta-1a) in RMS and placebo in PPMSOcrelizumab significantly reduced the risk of RMS and PPMS patients requiring mobility aids versus an active comparator (RMS) and placebo (PPMS)In PPMS patients, ocrelizumab reduced the risk of more severe forms of disability progression versus placebo
23 June, 2017
Major investment will add 50,000 sq ft of new laboratory space and expansion of office capacity planned with 60,000 sq ft of refurbished space.A major revamp of the site’s catering and conferencing offer, plus a new auditorium plan creating presentation space for science and education. Discovery Park reaches 3,000 jobs ahead of schedule with 150+ companies ahead of 5th birthday as multi-business science campus.
22 June, 2017
Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron discussed the future of medicines regulation in Europe post Brexit, building a trade deal and EU nationals right to work in the UK in his keynote speech at the 2017 BIO Convention in San Diego.
21 June, 2017
New research from the University of Eastern Finland shows that the APP gene variant protecting against Alzheimer’s disease significantly decreases plasma beta-amyloid levels in a population cohort. This is a very significant discovery, as many on-going drug trials in the field of Alzheimer's disease focus on decreasing beta-amyloid levels in the brain tissue. According to the study, a 30% life-long decrease in beta-amyloid levels is not associated with detrimental effects on lipid or glucose metabolism, or on any other metabolic factors.
21 June, 2017
New PharmaPendium solution comes with DDI risk calculator enabling earlier and more complete risk mitigation strategies for potential drug-drug interactions
20 June, 2017
Highly intuitive search with the most advanced indexing and extraction of experimental data available will accelerate lead optimization in early drug discovery
09 June, 2017
SSRN builds its first community-driven network outside the social sciences
08 June, 2017
New regulations, process requirements and products can conspire to eat up lab time—particularly in the absence of systematic workflow reviews. A free webinar from METTLER TOLEDO explores how lean concepts keep lab processes streamlined and accurate.
07 June, 2017
Provides MSc students with industry-relevant learning tools and pharma with a new pipeline of candidate compounds
06 June, 2017
Many of us have seen the viral videos of children covered in chocolate while being adamant they haven't had any. Children are naturally inquisitive and curious about the world around them, not to mention mischievous. However, this natural investigation becomes much less adorable if a child has accidentally consumed medication. Here, Darren Pittock, sales executive of pharmacy supplier, Valley Northern, looks at the steps that can be taken to reduce the risks of children and medication.
06 June, 2017
Businesses in the pharmaceutical industry are leading the way when it comes to ensuring vital data can be read and accessed long into the future, according to a survey by data experts Crown Records Management.
01 June, 2017