A team of 70 Zuhlke engineers and consultants supported the delivery of the new NHS Covid-19 app, part of the NHS Test and Trace service in England and NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect service. It was developed in just twelve weeks from start to roll-out.
24 September, 2020
Drug discovery expert leads not-for-profit organisation to drive further collaboration between academia and biopharma industry; Melanie to chair ELRIG Drug Discovery Digital 2020 from 6–16 October
23 September, 2020
Metrics Contract Services (Metrics) a full-service global contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) commences construction on the expansion of its novel oral solid dosage manufacturing facility expansion in Greenville, North Carolina.
23 September, 2020
Relation receives $1.3M grant funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
14 September, 2020
The Royal Society of Chemistry has launched its new Text and Data Mining (TDM) solution, making its full collection of research journals available to companies for AI and machine learning applications.
14 September, 2020
Digihealth Leaders from IBM, Twitter, NHSX and Phillips discuss healthtech innovation
03 September, 2020
Funding will be used to explore scalable methods of human cell preservation, transport, and re-presentation for clinical applications
03 September, 2020
TTP will provide entrepreneurs with mentoring and tech consultancy, to accelerate product development and commercialisationAgreement underlines TTP’s commitment to sharing knowledge and experience with innovative start-ups
03 September, 2020